Steven L. Shinkel

Military Professor & Senior Service Advisor National Security Affairs
Col., U.S. Air Force
Steven L Shinkel Profile Image


Col. Steve “Scuba” Shinkel is the George C. Kenney professor of air and space warfare and senior Air and Space Force advisor to the president of the U.S. Naval War College. He is a master navigator with 3,200 hours in the KC-135 and has numerous operational flying deployments supporting operations across the Middle East, Europe and the Pacific regions. He served in several key staff billets at U.S. Transportation Command, Headquarters Air Force and several air operations centers. He is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Air Force Weapon’s School, and Air Command and Staff College. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1990.

Areas of Expertise

  • A2/AD
  • Aerospace
  • Afghanistan
  • Air Warfare
  • China
  • Joint Operations
  • Leadership
  • Military Planning
  • Operational Warfare
  • Weapon Systems

Professional Highlights


George C. Kenney Professor of Air & Space Warfare

Senior Air Force officer with oversight of all service-related matters pertaining to the chief executive officer of the college. Develops company’s top 15% management prospects for senior executive level.

Military Professor, Naval War College

Military Professor in Leadership, National Security Affairs Department.

Chief of Staff, 9th AETF and Nato Air Command-Afghanistan

May 2016-May 2017, Chief of Staff for the 9th Air Expeditionary Task Force-Afghanistan (9 AETF-A) and NATO Air Command-Afghanistan (NAC-A), Kabul Afghanistan supporting NATO's Resolute Support Mission and Operation Freedom's Sentinel.

Chair, Leadership and Warfighting Department Air War College (AWC)

Chair, Leadership and Warfighting Department.

Director of Staff, Air War College (AWC) and Military Professor

Director of Staff and Military Professor teaching Leadership and Warfighting courses.

Chief, Strategy Division, HQ AF/NGB-A Staff

Chief of Strategy Division, National Guard Bureau-Air Staff, Headquarters Air Force ,Washington DC. Responsible for developing Air National Guard Strategy to include integration into Air Force Core Function Plans (CFPs) and budgeting issues.

Force Planner/Total Force Integration, NGB-A-Staff

Conducted Total Force Integration planning between Active duty and ANG forces.

Student, Air War College

Air War College Student Maxwell AFB Alabama.

Commander, 734th Air Mobility Squadron (AMS)

Commander of the 734th AMS Andersen AFB, Guam

Executive Officer to the Chief of Staff, USTRANSCOM


M.A., Strategic Studies Air University, 2010

M.A., 2005, Military Operational Art and Science

M.S., 2004, Aeronautical and Science Technology

B.S., 1990, Management Information Systems

Awards and Decorations

Distinguished Graduate
2005 Air Command and Staff College

USAF Weapons School
2001 Distinguished Graduate

Air Mobility Command's Flying Navigator Instructor of the Year

External Memberships and Associations

Air Force Association

Airlift Tanker Association

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