Newport, R.I. - The U.S. Naval War College (NWC) hosted its inaugural Leadership Mess Executive Seminar (LMEX), a seminar series focused on advancing warfighter development for Flag Level Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (FL-CSEL), onboard Naval Station Newport, February 19-21.
LMEX is designed to engage FL-CSELs in continued leader development, challenging their understanding of national security affairs and their own cognitive and psychological readiness, furthering their development as warfighters in demanding and evolving global environments.
"This was an excellent opportunity to leverage the academic expertise and experience of NWC and provide a new perspective in the education of war for senior enlisted leaders,” said NWC Command Master Chief Abel Griego. “Peer connection in an active learning environment is crucial for continued growth of Command Master Chiefs' critical thinking and problem-solving skills."
A collaborative effort between Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) James M. Honea and NWC’s College of Leadership and Ethics (CLE), the inaugural event welcomed 16 participants, including select Fleet and Force level Command Master Chiefs. Participating leaders were challenged to deepen their self-awareness, broaden their perspectives and expand their capacity to handle complex situations.
Navy Personnel, Manpower and Training Fleet Master Chief Delbert Terrell Jr. shared his perspective of LMEX as a vital opportunity to continue enhancing the leadership skills of flag and general officer-command senior enlisted leaders.
“The Leadership Mess Executive Seminar ensures that these leaders remain agile and effective in today’s dynamic operational environment,” Terrell stated. “Their expertise continues to be a critical component in maintaining our warfighting and strategic advantage in responding to any crisis while achieving mission success.”
LMEX employed an outcomes-based educational approach in delivering tailored education to FL-CSELs. This approach focused them on operational-level leadership behaviors designed to enhance their flag officer commanders’ effectiveness.
Seminar lessons, facilitated by NWC faculty and Naval War College Museum staff, covered topics including warfighting perspectives, operational level planning, executive wellness, peer coaching and ethical leadership.
Participants also received briefings on the Indo-Pacific, European and Central Command areas of responsibility, and utilized educational wargaming to examine defense issues in those regions.
Command Master Chief Medea Dudley of U.S. 6th Fleet provided feedback on the value of the seminar to her leadership duties and that of other CMCs.
"I am very excited for our newest members of the Leadership Mess. The LMEX seminar brings valuable new and/or expanded knowledge to our tool bag,” Dudley asserted. “This better prepares us to effectively serve our staff and, more importantly, advise our principals."
LMEX aligns with the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Navigation Plan (NAVPLAN) 2024, reinforcing warfighting competency by targeting the skills, qualities and behaviors that enable effective leadership in the context of great power competition.
The success of the LMEX pilot program sets the stage for future, systematic leadership mess executive seminars that integrate vertical development with warfighting capabilities.
Established in 1884, NWC is the oldest institution of its kind in the world. The college delivers excellence in education, research, and outreach, informing today’s decision makers, educating tomorrow’s leaders, and engaging partners and allies on all matters of naval power in order to preserve the peace, respond in crisis and win decisively in war.