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The Rochefort Group

The Rochefort Group ingrains maritime information warfighting into education and fleet engagement in order to increase combat readiness and lethality at the operational level of war and across all warfighting domains.

"We can accomplish anything provided no one cares who gets the credit."
- Cmdr. Joe Rochefort

Our History

Captain Joseph Rochefort, the group’s namesake, was a major figure in the U.S. Navy’s victory in the Pacific during World War II. Captain Rochefort’s paradigmatic shifting of combat intelligence and deception techniques related to critical decisions in the Pacific is symbolic of the U.S. Navy’s information warfare community today.

In 1986, Captain Rochefort posthumously received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his contribution to the Battle of Midway. His unwavering focus and dogged pursuit of advantage at sea serve as the bedrock for the Rochefort Group, the U.S. Naval War College's (NWC) first advanced warfighting group.

The Rochefort Group honors the historical roots of the U.S. Navy’s intelligence, communications, electronic warfare, information operations, cyber warfare, space operations, and meteorology and oceanography mission areas.

About Us

The Rochefort Group is recognized by Fleet Commander staffs as NWC’s maritime information warfighting resource for education and fleet engagement support because of their “speed to fleet” impact, warfighting currency, and warfighting breadth.

Assigned to the College of Maritime Operational Warfare (CMOW), the Rochefort Group directly supports maritime operations centers in the planning, coordinating, and executing of U.S. Navy information warfare activities.

The Rochefort Group is an example of the expertise and refinement across CMOW and the imperativeness of operational level of war combat readiness.

Contact Information

Rochefort Group Workshop Series

The Rochefort Group workshops explore a range of topics under the overarching theme of “maritime information warfighting.” The group functions as a catalyst for fleet commander staffs to examine today’s information warfighting challenges in globally integrated operations.

The first workshop was hosted by CMOW. Each day was opened with remarks by a flag officer from the Information Warfare Community. Retired U.S. Navy Adm. Scott Swift was the senior facilitator throughout the two and a half day workshop assisted by Rochefort Group faculty.

The second workshop in the series will be executed in a similar fashion with an emphasis on integrated fires. Fires expertise from NWC faculty as well as the fleet will be on hand to guide participants through the vignettes.

Rochefort Group workshops are highly-paced, invite-only events.

Learn more about workshop oneLearn more about workshop Two

Tailored Engagement

The Rochefort Group also provides tailored engagement support and education for our student base across information warfare mission areas and operational level of war functions.

For additional information on the workshops or tailored engagement, please contact the Rochefort Group directly at:

News, Media, & Events

Dec. 10, 2024
News Publication

Lectures of Opportunity: "The Role of Operational Energy in National Security"

Feb. 24, 2025
12:00 p.m.
U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841

Seapower Is More Than Just the Navy

Feb. 02, 2025
The National Interest
Article Publication