Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Ethics

The Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Ethics is a specialized elective track for students in the Stockdale Leader Development Concentration (SLDC) that increases their capability and capacity for senior leadership. Students are given priority enrollment in Leadership and Ethics electives and will produce a well-researched, faculty-mentored professional paper on contemporary leadership and organizational challenges faced by the Navy and joint force.
Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of Joint Force Command Norfolk delivers remarks at the Joint Force Command Norfolk Full Operational Capability ceremony.

General Information


This graduate certificate program is available for resident students including U.S. military, civilian federal employees (GS14-GS15, or equivalent), and international students who have been selected for the International Master of Arts Program.

Location & Duration

This 10-month specialized elective track is completed in conjunction with the U.S. Naval War College core curriculum. SLDC participants must enter in the fall trimester. Students are taught at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island.

Learning Format

The Stockdale Leader Development Concentration uses the cohort construct. Courses are conducted in seminar format. Students also complete a faculty-mentored professional paper during the academic year.


Students in this specialized program are awarded a graduate certificate, along with four additional credits. In addition, students will produce a well-researched, faculty-mentored professional paper on contemporary leadership and organizational challenges faced by the Navy and joint force. They will return to the Joint force ready to lead change amidst complexity by applying innovative advanced leadership and organizational concepts and practices.

Program Structure


Professional Paper or Article

Required | Core Course
Complete a high quality, faculty mentored, professional paper on contemporary leadership and organizational challenges faced by the Navy and joint force.

Course Requirement

Required | Core Course
Students in the Stockdale Leader Development Concentration (SLDC) meet as a cohort in weekly seminars to study advanced leadership concepts with College of Leadership and Ethics faculty. The “Leadership in the Profession of Arms” core course is validated by SLDC participation.

Priority Elective Enrollment

Electives in Leadership and Ethics

Required | Elective
Students receive priority enrollment in “EL 592 Foundations of Moral Obligation,” aka “The Stockdale Course” in the fall trimester and “EL 649B Cognitive Readiness” in the winter trimester.

Incoming Students

Contact Information

Director, Stockdale Leader Development Concentration

More Information

Next Steps
Prepare for your arrival at the Naval Command College—and see what others have done after graduating.

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February 26, 2025
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Different international flags down hallway at U.S. Naval War College
International flags at Naval War College