Advanced Strategist Program

The Advanced Strategist Program (ASP) is a specialized track for students skilled in the practice of formulating, developing, and executing strategy at various leadership levels in order to fill key billets in Navy, Joint, and high-level political staffs.
An EA-18G Growler assigned to Electronic Attack Squadron (VFA) 141 lands on the flight deck of the Navy's forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, provides a combat-ready force that protects and defends the collective maritime interests of its allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific region.

General Information


U.S. Navy resident students are selected and assigned to ASP prior to arrival at U.S. Naval War College (NWC). Sister services may apply for the remaining academic slots for this program.

Location & Duration

The 13-month program is completed in conjunction with the College of Naval Command and Staff curriculum. Students are taught at NWC in Newport, Rhode Island.

Learning Format

Core Courses are primarily seminar format but include lectures, a master's thesis, and strategic planning exercises during the summer.


Students in this program are awarded additional credit on top of the master’s degree in Defense and Strategic Studies and JPME I credit. U.S. Naval officers will earn Naval Strategist Subspecialty Code (2300p), U.S. Air Force officers will earn Advanced Study Group credit, and U.S. Army officers will earn the 6z Army Strategist skill identifier.

Program Structure


Professional Paper, Master’s Thesis

Required | Core Course
Students will work on an academic master’s degree-level thesis guided by a principle academic advisor, along with a military faculty member and the ASP director.

Fall Trimester

Theater Security Decision Making

Required | Core Course
The Theater Security Decision Making course educates students on effective decision-making and leadership, focusing primarily at the theater strategic level.

Perspectives on Modern War

Required | Core Course
In the Fall trimester, the course considers the changing character of modern war. It explores how the evolving character of modern warfare is shaped by advancements in technology, societal shifts, and climate change, raising strategic and ethical questions for future conflict. Students will examine these factors and their impact on national security, alliances, and strategic concepts, beginning with insights from the Future Warfighting Symposium.

Advanced Strategist Program Course

Required | Elective
Students will be enrolled in a course pertaining to advanced strategy; including national security, economic considerations, and the limitations of seapower.

Winter Trimester

Strategy and War

Required | Core Course
The Strategy and War course examines how the overall strategic environment shapes operational choices and outcomes. It also examines the strategic effects of operations, exploring how battlefield outcomes can change the strategic environment.

Perspectives on Modern War

Required | Core Course
In the Winter trimester, the course focuses on leadership, culture, and ethics in modern war. It emphasizes the importance of cultural awareness and strategic empathy in enhancing ethical leadership and joint warfighting strategies. Students will explore the impact of cultural and societal factors, including the role of women in conflict and stability, through core courses, guest lectures, seminar discussions, and the Women, Peace, and Security conference.

Advanced Strategist Program Course

Required | Elective
Students will be enrolled in a course pertaining to advanced strategy; including national security, economic considerations, and the limitations of seapower.

Spring Trimester

Joint Maritime Operations

Required | Core Course
The Joint Maritime Operations course that prepares students on critical and creative problem-solving skills that pertain to decision-making and leadership in the maritime domain.

Perspectives on Modern War

Required | Core Course
In the Spring trimester, the course focuses on strategy in today's world. It focuses on understanding and developing strategies for today's global security environment while preparing for future challenges. Students will critically analyze current strategic competition and various national security threats through core courses, guest lectures, and seminars, culminating in the Current Strategy Forum.

Advanced Strategist Program Course

Required | Elective
Students will be enrolled in a course pertaining to advanced strategy; including national security, economic considerations, and the limitations of seapower.

Summer Practicum

Leadership in the Profession of Arms

Required | Core Course
This course allows students to recognize their impact on those they lead and enhance their thinking and ethical decision-making for their future leadership roles.

Summer Capstone

Required | Core Course
The summer program offers students the opportunity to apply their academic and practitioner knowledge. Each summer program will be tailored to available opportunities and student interest and can also include travel opportunities.

Incoming Students

Contact Information

Advanced Strategist Program

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March 05, 2025
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A regional fiscal year 2020 Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Pinning Ceremony was held Sept. 13, at Kay Hall in Naval Station Newport.
A regional fiscal year 2020 Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Pinning Ceremony was held Sept. 13, at Kay Hall in Naval Station Newport. The ceremony officially recognized the promotion of 17 Newport-based CPOs. (U.S. Navy photo by Jaima Fogg/released)