A memory stone with the Newport Pell Bridge in the background.

College of Naval Command and Staff Core Curriculum

The core teachings at U.S. Naval War College provide a framework for military and civilian leaders to gain an understanding of strategy and operations and the ability to think critically, deal with uncertainty and surprise, be proficient in joint matters, comprehend both the security environment and all elements of national power.

About the Core Curriculum

This understanding is achieved through the combined efforts of five core courses: Joint Maritime Operations, Theater Security Decision Making, Strategy and Warfare, Leadership in the Profession of Arms, and Perspectives on Modern War.

Joint Maritime Operations Curriculum

The Joint Maritime Operations (JMO) curriculum focuses on preparing future military and civilian leaders for high-level policy, command, and staff positions requiring joint planning expertise and joint warfighting skills. The curriculum emphasizes the theory and practice of operational art in terms of maritime and joint forces. Students will learn to apply these skills in a seminar environment to employ joint forces and achieve a broad array of objectives.

More on JMO Curriculum

Theater Security Decision Making Curriculum

The Theater Security Decision Making (TSDM) curriculum educates students in effective decision-making and leadership on security issues. Focus is placed on national defense and military strategic concepts involving force selection and planning challenges within national and theater resource constraints.

More on TSDM Curriculum

Strategy and War Curriculum

The Strategy and War (S&W) curriculum focuses on teaching students how to think strategically and prepares them for positions of strategic leadership. The course is designed to sharpen each student's ability to assess how alternative strategic courses of action achieve broad, national-level objectives.

More on S&W Curriculum

Leadership in the Profession of Arms

The Profession of Arms (LPA) course is built on leaders who build trust and confidence up and down the chain of command and with the American people they serve. The degree of trust and confidence that exists is based on the combination of the leader's competence and character.

More on LPA Curriculum

Perspectives on Modern War

The Perspectives on Modern War (PMW) curriculum is designed to challenge students to synthesize lessons from their other core courses, senior level guest speakers, symposia, course reading material and seminar discussions and to apply them to current events and the most important security challenges of today. The themes of this year-long course vary each trimester to allow students to examine modern war from different perspectives. The course also provides a formal venue for integrating their overall Naval War College experience.

More on PMW Curriculum

Additional Offerings

Academic Opportunities

Broaden your understanding of war (and peace) by pursuing group or independent research and learn from military thought leaders by attending our conferences and seminars.

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Advanced Research Programs

We offer students unique opportunities to conduct advanced research at the college or contribute to enhanced understanding of a geographic region.

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Conferences & Symposia

Our newsworthy lectures, symposia, and conferences give students the opportunity for stimulating encounters with contemporary military, political, and cultural leaders.

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