Past Events

The U.S. Naval War College (NWC) event calendar is expansive. Through reflection and examination, past NWC events may still highlight our educational and research position in the naval community and the wider defense audience.

Public Affairs Office

U.S. Naval War College Past Events

Anchor at U.S. Naval War College

Executive Level Operational Level of Warfare Course

Monday, December 06-10, 2021
Evans Hall, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841

The Executive Level Operational Level of Warfare Course 22-1 begins on December 6th, 2021 and concludes on December 10th, 2021. This course is a one-week course and is taught at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island three times a year.

AFLEX banner

AFLEX 2021: Navigating Uncharted Waters in the 21st Century - Culture

Sunday, December 05-09, 2021
8:00 a.m.
William F. Bolger Center, 9600 Newbridge Dr, Potomac, MD 20854, (301) 983-7000

AFLEX 2021 brings together 3-star and SES leaders navigating a whole new level of rapid change and dynamism in their roles to drive outcomes by building a culture of excellence, breakthrough practices for warfighter resilience & readiness, learning organizations with a growth mindset...

U.S. Naval War College (NWC) students and staff gathered during NWC’s annual 2019 Army-Navy Flag Football Game.

Annual Naval War College Army-Navy Flag Football Game

Friday, December 03, 2021
3:00 p.m.
Nimitz Football Field, Naval Station Newport, Newport, RI 02841

The annual U.S. Naval War College Army-Navy flag football game will take place at Nimitz Football Field, Naval Station Newport on Friday, Dec. 3.

Patio chairs on the U.S. Naval War College campus overlooking the Narragansett Bay and Pell Bridge.

U.S. Naval War College Closed for the Thanksgiving Day Holiday

Thursday, November 25, 2021
U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841

The U.S. Naval War College will be closed November 25th, 2021 for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Live event banner

Averting Great-Power Competition in Asia: The Washington Conference at 100

Monday, November 22, 2021
12:00 p.m.
Conolly Conference Room C-138, U.S Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

A hundred years ago, Washington was the setting for a major international conference called to arrest an emerging competition in naval weaponry and to settle outstanding disputes threatening the peace of Asia.

Issues in National Security Banner

Issues in National Security: "China + Zombies"

Monday, November 22, 2021
4:30 p.m.
Pringle Auditorium, U.S Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, Rhode Island 02841

The 'Issues in National Security' lectures represent current political, military, economic, and social issues that challenge strategists and concern citizens therefore the lectures are tailored to the spouses and significant others of U.S. Naval War College students, staff, and faculty.

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Do the Right Thing: Stop Sexual Assault

Wednesday, November 17, 2021
12:00 p.m.
Conolly Conference Room, C-138, U.S Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

In 2011, former Coast Guard officer and then Maritime Administration Chief Counsel K. Denise Rucker Krepp requested an Inspector General (IG) investigation into sexual assaults occurring at the US Merchant Marine Academy, one of the five federal service academies.

Naval War College surrounded by cherry blossoms

Rigging for AI: Creating the AI-Enabled Navy

Monday, November 15, 2021
12:00 p.m.
Conolly Conference Room, C-138, U.S Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, Rhode Island 02841

The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence has assessed the Department of Defense as unprepared for the global competition to effectively leverage AI and based on that assessment has recommended to the President and Congress that the Department take steps to...

Patio chairs on the U.S. Naval War College campus overlooking the Narragansett Bay and Pell Bridge.

U.S. Naval War College Closed for the Veteran's Day Holiday

Thursday, November 11, 2021
U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841

The U.S. Naval War College will be closed November 11th, 2021 for the Veteran's Day holiday.