Anthony N. Sama

Military Professor Maritime Advanced Warfighting School
Lt. Col., U.S. Marine Corps
Anthony N. Sama faculty photo


Lt. Col. Anthony Sama is a military professor at the Maritime Advanced Warfighting School. He is a career infantry officer and combat veteran with six overseas deployments to the Middle East, Africa and the Indo-Pacific. Lt. Col. Sama is a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College and Maritime Advanced Warfighting School and holds a secondary specialty of operational planner.

Areas of Expertise

  • Amphibious Warfare
  • COIN
  • Command and Control
  • Ground Warfare
  • Joint Operations
  • Leadership
  • Military Planning
  • Operational Warfare

Professional Highlights


Military Professor

Maritime Advanced Warfighting School

Future Operations Officer

15th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Operational Planner

3d Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force


M.A., U.S. Naval War College, Defense and Strategic Studies

B.S., U.S. Naval Academy, Aerospace Engineering

Graduate, Maritime Advanced Warfighting School

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