Eight Bells Lecture Series: "The Leadership Genius of Admiral Chester Nimitz"

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Event Information

Friday, January 10, 2020
12:00 p.m.
Sail Newport 11th Hour Great Room, 72 Fort Adams Drive, Newport, RI 02840

Meghan Brown, Naval War College Museum

This event is for Naval War College students, faculty and staff.

The Leadership Genius of Admiral Chester Nimitz, by Captain Mark Brouker, USN (Retired)

This fascinating lecture is a case study of tremendous leadership. Admiral Chester Nimitz brilliantly led the largest Naval force in the history of warfare – 2 million service members and 1000 ships – to victory over the Empire of Japan in World War II. What was the key to this overwhelming victory?

Despite commanding in an enormous area of operation – 60 million square miles, Admiral Nimitz created an intense culture of trust and caring with the brave Sailors who fought that war. Ask any surviving hero of the WWII Pacific campaign about Admiral Nimitz, and you’ll hear eerily similar responses. “He cared for us', 'He was a sailor’s sailor', 'We trusted him' …among other accolades. Sailors clearly loved this man. How did Admiral Nimitz create such profound loyalty?

Captain Brouker is a thought leader, sought after keynote speaker, professor, historian, executive coach, author and proven leader. Captain Brouker served as commanding officer at one of the largest naval hospitals in the world. He also served as chief of staff for Navy Medicine West. After transitioning from the military, he founded Brouker Leadership Solutions, a company passionate about helping leaders succeed on their leadership journey. His book “Lessons from the Navy: Learning the Art of Leadership” will be published by Rowman and Littlefield soon. He is currently working on his second book “Leadership Secrets of Admiral Chester Nimitz.”

All lectures are free and open to the public, no reservations are required.

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