Lectures of Opportunity: "Mindful Resilience and Cognitive Fitness"

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Thursday, June 01, 2023
12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Hybrid Event

U.S. Naval War College, LOO Coordinator

This event is for U.S. Naval War College students, faculty and staff.

Mindful Resilience and Cognitive Fitness

Mindfulness is often thought of as a way to promote emotional well-being and resilience and to reduce stress. While it has indeed been shown to be a useful tool in achieving those outcomes, research has also indicated that it can strengthen areas of cognitive performance. Findings indicate that mindfulness practice can improve working memory, sustained attention, cognitive flexibility, empathy, and decision making. While improving cognitive skills is useful for everyone, these outcomes point to a particular benefit for members of high-stress occupations such as the military and for leaders at all levels (across a variety of fields) whose jobs rely on these cognitive skills not only for their own benefit but for the benefit of those they lead and serve. Many of us use exercises like running and weight-training to enhance our physical fitness. In the same way, research is pointing to the use of mindfulness exercises to strengthen our cognitive fitness and resilience.

Please join Dr. Leigh Ann Perry and Dr. Jay Hickey for a discussion about utilizing mindfulness tools to build resilience and foster cognitive fitness. The discussion will also include an introduction to a new Naval War College mindfulness program that will begin in June.

About this Lecture

Lectures of Opportunity offers U.S. Naval War College (NWC) students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to learn more about national and international socio-political subjects that may be of relevance to the NWC community.

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