Law of Armed Conflict Annual Workshop: Afghanistan 2021: International Legal Implications of the Conflict

U.S. Naval War College hosting their ""Law of Armed Conflict Annual Workshop, Afghanistan 2021"

About this Event

Event Information

Monday, December 06-07, 2021
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Chairman's Classroom, Stockton Center, U.S Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

This event is for U.S. Naval War College students, faculty and staff.
The topic is Afghanistan 2021:  International Legal Implications of the Conflict.  Participants include representatives from the DOD General Counsel's Office, CJCS Legal Office; Army, Navy, and Marine Corps Judge Advocates, and legal advisors from the Department of State, International Committee for the Red Cross, the UN, and NATO, among others.

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