Lectures of Opportunity: "Talking about Virtue Ethics"

Conolly Hall with chairs around a conference table at U.S. Naval War College.

About this Event

Event Information

Wednesday, August 25, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Conolly Hall, U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

U.S. Naval War College, LOO Coordinator

This event is for U.S. Naval War College students, faculty and staff.

Talking about Virtue Ethics: Beyond Core Values

In the first of a series of different moral perspectives that we use in the College of Leadership and Ethics, we will discuss Virtue Ethics. While it originates with the philosophy of Aristotle, in the 20th century Virtue Ethics was deepened and broadened to address issues with other moral perspectives like rules/principles and utilitarianism. How do we acquire and develop virtues? What are virtues and how are they different than other values? Do virtues vary according to context, culture, identity? What happens when different ideas of virtues conflict? How do we address moral conflict?

About this Lecture

Lectures of Opportunity offers U.S. Naval War College (NWC) students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to learn more about national and international socio-political subjects that may be of relevance to the NWC community.

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Conolly Hall, U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

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