Application Period Opens for Fleet Seminar Program

Students in a classroom

The U.S. Naval War College will begin accepting applications April 1 for new and returning students in the Fleet Seminar Program for the academic year beginning in September 2020.

The program consists of the three core courses of the College of Naval Command and Staff offered through the College of Distance Education. The application window runs through May 31.

The program provides Joint Intermediate-Level Professional Military Education (JPME-I) in a seminar format at 19 naval and joint bases around the country in keeping with the efforts of the chief of naval personnel to foster a deliberate and flexible learning environment.

“The Fleet Seminar Program creates leaders that are operationally and strategically minded critical thinkers. The military needs leaders who are proficient in joint matters and prepared to meet the complex challenges of today and tomorrow,” said professor Ron Oard, Fleet Seminar Program manager.

“Looking at the recently released Education for Seapower Strategy, the Navy has placed more emphasis on higher education as a critical warfighting enabler,” he said.

Each course runs from September through May, meeting one evening a week for three hours. The seminars are conducted at the graduate level and require appropriate initiative, research work, writing and class participation from each student.

After successfully completing their first course, students may apply for acceptance into the Naval War College’s Graduate Degree Program, in which, with additional elective coursework, they can earn a Master of Arts degree in defense and strategic studies.

Nearly 1,000 students are currently enrolled, and more than 900 have earned a master’s degree through the program in the past five years.

Enrollment is open to eligible active and reserve officers in the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in the grade of O-3 and above. Active and reserve officers in other military services must be in the grade of O-4 and above to be eligible. Federal civilian employees in the grade of GS-11 and equivalent or above are also eligible.

Selected staff members in the federal executive, legislative, and judiciary branches are also eligible, through an agreement with the chief of naval operations. All applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree.

For more information on course locations and application procedures, visit the FSP website at

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Article Information

Jeanette Steele, U.S. Naval War College Public Affairs
April 01, 2020

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