Navy Leadership Development Framework Released

WASHINGTON -- The Office of the Chief of Naval Operations released the Leadership Development Framework, Jan. 25.
Strengthening and broadening leadership development is a key objective of the gold line of effort in "A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority," and the 10 page framework outlines how the Navy will develop leaders to demonstrate both operational excellence and strong character.
"Leaders have always been essential to the Navy's success," Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. John Richardson said. "The strategic environment is such that our leaders must think more clearly and learn more rapidly than our adversaries. Developing leaders will remain the principal focus of our Navy."
The framework explains the most important characteristic of a leader is drive - the relentless pursuit of "best ever" performance. Navy leaders should focus their development down two lanes: warfighting competence and character.
The best way to develop these two is through formal schools, on-the-job training and self-guided learning. "World-class leadership is our Navy's decisive advantage," Richardson writes. "Some Navy leaders are already world-class; many more can become world-class with the right focus."
The Leadership Development Framework can be found at
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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
January 27, 2017

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