Anand Toprani, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Strategy and Policy Department
Anand Toprani profile Image


Anand Toprani is an associate professor of strategy and policy specializing in diplomatic and military history, energy geopolitics and political economy. He is a graduate of Cornell, Oxford and Georgetown universities and has held fellowships at Yale and Harvard universities, as well as from the Smith-Richardson, George C. Marshall and The Stanton foundations. He is the author of “Oil and the Great Powers: Britain and Germany,” 1914-1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019) and has published articles in numerous journals, including Diplomatic History, The Journal of Military History and Political Science Quarterly.

Areas of Expertise

  • Cold War
  • Diplomacy
  • Economics
  • Foreign Policy
  • Geopolitics
  • Maritime Strategy
  • Military Theory
  • National Security
  • WWI
  • WWII


Ph.D., Georgetown University, 2012, History

M.Phil., University of Oxford (University College), 2006, Modern European History

B.A., Cornell University, 2003, History, with Distinction in all Subjects

Research Contributions and Publications

Awards and Decorations

Applied History Course Development Program Grant
Stanton Foundation (2018-2019)

Ernest May Post-doctoral Fellowship in History and Policy, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government 
Harvard University (2012-2013)

Post-doctoral Fellowship, Institute for Historical Studies 
University of Texas at Austin (2012-2013 – declined)

Smith Richardson Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Security Studies, International Security Studies
Yale University (2011-2012)

World Politics & Statecraft Fellowship
Smith Richardson Foundation (2010)

George C. Marshall/Baruch Fellowship 
George C. Marshall Foundation (2010)

Young Scholars Award 
Cosmos Club Foundation (2010)

Research Grant 
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association (2010)

History Department Fellowship/Teaching Assistantship 
Georgetown University (2006-2011)

External Memberships and Associations

Council on Foreign Relations
Term Member (2018-2023)

Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

Applied History Working Group, Belfer Center, Kennedy School 

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