David Christopher Gorman

Military Professor Strategy and Policy Department
David Christopher Gorman faculty photo


Lt. Col. David C. Gorman is a military professor assigned to the Strategy and Policy Department at the U.S. Naval War College. He entered the Air Force in 2006 and earned his commission through the U.S. Air Force Officer Training School. He is a master Air Battle Manager with more than 2000 flight hours in the E-3B/C/G Sentry, of which more than 300 were flown in combat over Afghanistan. He has served on the Headquarters Pacific Air Forces staff and commanded at the squadron level.

Contact Information

Areas of Expertise

  • Air Defense
  • Command and Control
  • Counterdrug Operations
  • Leadership

Professional Highlights


Commander, 429th Expeditionary Operations Squadron

Led 108 military and civilian personnel across eight functional areas in support of counter narcotics operations in the Caribbean.

Director of Operations, 965th Airborne Air Control Squadron

Coordinated operations for a 300-member squadron tasked with providing airborne command and control anywhere in the world.

Student, U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College

Graduated the U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College and transitioned to Air University faculty as a U.S. Air Force Officer Training School instructor.


M.A., U.S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College, Military Operational Art and Science

M.B.A, Oklahoma State University

B.S., Marist College, Business Administration

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