Doyle K. Hodges, Ph.D.

Dean Dean of Academics
Doyle Hodges faculty photo


Dr. Doyle Hodges is a scholar of civil-military relations, maritime and defense strategy, and ethics in national security policy. A retired Naval officer, Dr. Hodges commanded a guided missile destroyer and a forward-deployed salvage ship. After retiring from active duty, he earned a doctorate at Princeton University. He has taught at the U.S. Naval Academy, Princeton University, George Mason University, and the U.S. Naval War College.

Areas of Expertise

  • Air Defense
  • Civil-Military Relations
  • Ethics
  • International Law
  • International Relations
  • Maritime Strategy
  • National Security
  • Rules of Engagement
  • Surface Warfare

Professional Highlights


Dean of Academics, U.S. Naval War College

Responsible for in-residence graduate education and JPME of all U.S. students.

Executive Editor, Texas National Security Review

Inaugural executive editor of an interdisciplinary academic journal focused on national security, broadly defined.

Associate Professor, National Security Affairs, College of Distance Education, U.S. Naval War College

Taught JPME 1 in web-based and classroom formats. Mentor in Advanced Strategist Program. Advisor in Ethics in Emerging Military Technology program.

Ph.D., International Security Studies, Princeton University


Retired from U.S. Navy after 21 years of active duty


Graduated College of Naval Warfare, U.S. Naval War College


Ph.D., Princeton University, 2018

M.A., Princeton University, 2015

M.A., U.S. Naval War College, 2008

M.A., University of Maryland College Park, 1993

B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1992

Research Contributions and Publications

“The United States Navy”
Understanding the U.S. Military
Routledge, August 2022

“Bribery in the Seventh Fleet: the US Navy and the Fat Leonard Scandal”
Co-authored with Stephen Wrage
Corrosive Corruption and its Consequences
TRACE International, 2020

“Iraq Combat Vet to Christie: Policy on Syrian Refugees Helps ISIS”
New Jersey Star Ledger online, 2016

“Joint Task Force Guantanamo: Where do we go from here?”
The Guardian (Joint Staff Deputy Directorate for Antiterrorism/Homeland Defense, Antiterrorism/Force Protection Division)
Summer 2009 Vol 11, Issue 1, 24-29

“Listen to the JO’s: Why Retention is a Problem”
Co-authored with RADM Jack Natter, U.S. Navy (Ret) and LT Alan Lopez, USN.
U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
October 1998 Vol 124/10/1, 148

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