Federico Cavada

Fellow College of Maritime Operational Warfare
Cmdr., Chilean Navy
Federico Cavada faculty photo


Federico Cavada is an International Fellow at the College of Maritime Operational Warfare. He is an active-duty Chilean Navy officer and has served on board Chilean Navy ships for over thirteen years as a surface warfare officer, principal warfare officer, executive officer, and commanding officer. He has also served at the Chilean Navy Sea Training Center, the Chilean Naval Academy and the Chilean Naval War College as director of the Naval Staff Course. He graduated from NWC's Naval Command College in June 2024, after which he joined the Humanitarian Response Team under the College of Maritime Operational Warfare.

Areas of Expertise

  • Latin America
  • Littoral Warfare
  • Surface Warfare

Professional Highlights


International Fellow

Joined the Humanitarian Response Team as an International Fellow.

Naval Command College (NWC)

Joined the NWC as a student, at the Naval Command College.

CO CNS "Chacabuco"

Commanding Officer of the Chilean Navy Ship Chacabuco.


M.A., Chilean Naval War College, 2019, Naval and Maritime Sciences

B.S., Chilean Naval Polytechnic Academy, 2006, Naval Electronics Engineering

Related Credentials

Naval Command College
U.S. Naval War College, 2024

International Principal Warfare Officers Course
HMS Collingwood, UK, 2012

Chilean Navy Principal Warfare Officers Course
Chilean Navy Training Center, 2011

International Surface Warfare Officers Course
Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific, San Diego, CA, 2002

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