Jane Stokes

Associate Professor College of Distance Education
Jane Stokes faculty photo


Jane Stokes serves as an associate professor in the Joint Military Operations Department, College of Distance Education. She formerly served as a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps reserves and in the Department of State's foreign service. She has extensive experience in the Middle East region with a focus on counterterrorism and foreign policy.

Areas of Expertise

  • Asymmetrical Warfare
  • Counterterrorism
  • Foreign Policy
  • Middle East
  • Security Cooperation
  • Women, Peace, and Security

Professional Highlights


Branch Chief, International Programs, J2, USCENTCOM

Security Cooperation efforts and partner engagement with allies and partners across the USCENTCOM area of responsibility

MARCENT Deployed Liaison Officer to the United Arab Emirates, MARCENT (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

Security cooperation, international engagement, and liaison between the Emiratis and Marine Corps forces

Department of State, Foreign Service

Middle East diplomacy and foreign policy efforts


M.A., U.S. Naval War College, National Security and Strategic Studies

M.A., American Military University, Strategic Intelligence

B.A., Hunter College (City University of NY), Philosophy

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