Research Contributions and Publications
Allen, N.E., Javdani, S., Lehrner, A., Perry, L.A., & Todd, N. (June, 2007). Are Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils Effective Vehicles for Change? A Multi-Method, Multi-Site Study of their Potential. In S. Javdani (Chair), Are Domestic Violence Coordinating Councils Effective Vehicles for Change? A Multi-Method, Multi-Site Study of their Potential symposium conducted at the 11th Biennial Conference of the Society for Community Research and Action, Pasadena, CA.
Anderson, J., Perry, L.A., Tasker, B., Cartoski, P., Castilleja, M., Jefferson, A., Roberts, S., & White, N. (2013, March). Department of the Navy Annual Crime Report 2012. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.
Anderson, J., Perry, L.A., Tasker, B., Cartoski, P., Castilleja, M., Jefferson, A., Roberts, S., & So, A. (2012, September). Department of the Navy Annual Crime Report 2011. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia.
Anderson, J., Perry, L.A., Cartoski, P., Jefferson, A., & Roberts, S. (2011, September). Department of the Navy Annual Crime Report 2010. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Washington Navy Yard, DC.
Anderson, J., Perry, L.A., & Dunkle, R. (2011, January). Department of the Navy Annual Crime Report 2009. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Washington Navy Yard, DC.
Anderson, J., Perry, L.A., & Dunkle, R. (2010, July). Department of the Navy Annual Crime Report 2008. Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Washington Navy Yard, DC.
Fitzgerald, L.F., Ormerod, A.J., Collinsworth, L.L., Lawson, A.K., Lytell, M.C., Perry, L.A., Wright, C.V., & Babin, N.E. (2006, July). Sexual harassment and assault: Research review and recommendations. (ARI Research Report 1861) Arlington, VA: Army Research Institute for the Behavioral & Social Sciences.
Lemke, T., Muirhead, Y.E., & Perry, L.A. (2015, September). Coding Research Protocols and Interviews of Offenders Who Have Utilized Weapons of Mass Destruction. Invited training for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts. Washington, D.C.
Muirhead, Y.E. & Perry, L.A. (2008, May). Coding Research Protocols and Interviews of Offenders Who Have Utilized Weapons of Mass Destruction. Invited training for the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Weapons of Mass Destruction Coordinators. Washington, D.C.
Ormerod, A. J., Collinsworth, L. L., & Perry, L. A. (2008). Critical climate: Relations among sexual harassment, climate, and outcomes for high school girls and boys, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 32, 113-125.
Ormerod, A.J., Fitzgerald, L.F., Collinsworth, L.L., Lawson, A.K., Lytell, M., Perry, L.A., Wright, C.V. (2005, November). Sexual Assault in The Military: Context Factors and Measurement Issues. In A. Lancaster (Chair), symposium conducted at the International Military Testing Association's 47th Annual Conference, Singapore.
Perry, L.A. (Guest). (2021, May 17). The Law Enforcement Analysis Researcher (L.E.A. Podcasts-Analyst Talk with Jason Elder) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
Perry, L.A. (2016). Re-Examining Typologies of Sexually Violent Offenders. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Perry, L.A. (2006). It ain't over 'til it's over: Psychological impact of secondary victimization in sexual harassment investigations. Unpublished master's thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Perry, L.A., Dover, T.J., Lancaster, S.L., Allen, N.E., Keel, T.G., & Eliopulos, L. (2018). Development of a sexual assault event typology based on event attributes. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45(11), 1709-1722.
Perry, L.A., & Larsen, S. (2007, April). Sexual Assault Among Adolescents. Invited presentation for Teen Awareness Group. Champaign, IL.
Perry, L.A. & Larsen, S. (2007, March). Healing and Education for Adolescent Rape Trauma (H.E.A.R.T.): Challenges of Creating a Therapy Group for Adolescents. In University of Illinois Clinical/Community Division Seminar Presentation, Champaign, IL.
Perry, L.A., Ormerod, A.J., & Collinsworth, L.L (2006, March). High School Sexual Harassment, Climate, Appraisal: Relation to Well-Being and Educational Outcomes. In University of Illinois Clinical/Community Division Seminar Presentation, Champaign, IL.