RIO DE JANEIRO – Professor James R. Holmes, the J.C. Wylie chair of maritime strategy at U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, visited the Brazilian Naval War College, March 26-28, where he was a participant of the Brazilian navy’s symposium on “Maritime Power in the XXI Century.”
His participation included a keynote address titled “Faces of XXI Century Sea Power,” as well as taking part in a colloquium with a short address on “Naval Warfare in an Unmanned Age.”
“The three-day gathering brought together sea service representatives from across the Western Hemisphere – making it an ideal event not just to exchange views about the naval profession, but to reinforce alliances and friendships among American seafaring nations,” said Holmes.
The event was part of the Tall Ships International meeting, “Velas LatinoAmérica 2018,” which aimed to strengthen the bonds between the many navies and nations participating.