Archive: All U.S. Naval War College News

U.S. Naval War College is home to many dynamic programs with a focus on military strategy, foreign relations and ethical leadership. Below is an archive of past news items about the college.

Public Affairs Office

Feb. 02, 2016
Daniel L. Kuester

Air Force Maj. Chris Marslender, a student at U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross by Gen. Mark Welsh III, Air Force chief of staff, at a ceremony held at the school, Feb. 1.

Dec. 07, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

Legal scholars, military lawyers, policy makers and representatives from non-governmental organizations (NGO) met recently at U.S. Naval War College (NWC) to discuss if and how international law is functioning in the current Syria conflict.

Dec. 02, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

The chief White House correspondent for the New York Times’ Washington Bureau met with U.S. Naval War College (NWC) students and faculty Tuesday, to discuss “The Media and National Security” during a question-and-answer forum held at the school.

Nov. 17, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

A German commemoration honoring all those who died in war or through oppressive rule was held at Island Cemetery Sunday, at the graves of German sailors who died in World War II.

Nov. 09, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

The Adm. James G. Stavridis Award for Excellence in Theater Strategic Planning was presented by Provost Lewis M. Duncan to the top seminar of the intermediate-level Theater Security Decision Making (TSDM) course at U.S. Naval War College (NWC), Nov. 4.

Nov. 03, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

The geopolitical future of the top of the world was the focus of an Arctic security elective course panel discussion at U.S. Naval War College (NWC), Wednesday.

U.S. Army Gen. David G. Perkins addressing students
Nov. 02, 2015
Daniel L. Kuester

Commander of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command urged students to think at a higher level and focus on capabilities, rather than equipment, during a presentation at U.S. Naval War College, Oct. 27.