Lectures of Opportunity: "Education as a Source of National Power" Wednesday, March 15, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 ducation is one source of national power that feeds the instruments of national power the USA uses to pursue its national objectives. This is true historically and continues today.
Lectures of Opportunity: "Everything You Wanted to Know About Guantanamo But Were Afraid to Ask" Monday, March 13, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 The U.S. Naval War College faculty have made two recent trips to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay to provide educational opportunities to the U.S. servicemen and servicewomen stationed there.
Lectures of Opportunity: "Realism, Ethics and the Ukraine War" Friday, March 10, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 The presentation outlines the case for an ethics of responsibility, arguing for self-limitation by all sides to ensure that the Ukraine conflict does not escalate to a point that it threatens the survival of humanity.
Lectures of Opportunity: "Security, Sovereignty, and Slavery" Thursday, March 09, 2023 12:00 p.m. Virtual Event This lecture introduces students to the challenges, objectives, and outcomes that defined the environment in which US/North American national security was born.
Lectures of Opportunity: "Suffragism and the Women’s Right to Bear Arms" Wednesday, March 08, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 Suffragism and Women’s Right to Bear Arms is based on research from Dr. Raum’s upcoming Taylor and Francis book entitled "Art, Artifact, Women and War".
U.S. Naval War College Graduation Wednesday, March 08, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841 The U.S. Naval War College features a one-year graduate-level program that graduates about 600 resident and 1,000 distance learning students each year.
Issues in National Security: "China: The Uyghur Issue" Tuesday, March 07, 2023 4:30 p.m. Spruance Auditorium, U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 The 'Issues in National Security' lectures represent current political, military, economic, and social issues that challenge strategists and concern citizens therefore the lectures are tailored to the spouses and significant others of U.S. Naval War College students, staff, and faculty.
Book Talk: Professor Andrew Clapham's "War" Wednesday, March 01, 2023 9:00 a.m. Virtual Event The Stockton Center for International Law cordially invites you to a book talk with Professor Andrew Clapham, Geneva Graduate Institute, on his latest book, "War," on March 1st from 9-10 a.m. EST. The event will be moderated by Professor Nicholas Tsagourias, University of Sheffield.
Lectures of Opportunity: "Forced into the Shade: Winston Churchill and the American Naval Challenge" Monday, February 27, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841 The United States emerged as a naval competitor of Great Britain after the First World War. American naval ambitions exasperated the British statesman Winston Churchill, who saw this challenge as threatening Britain’s position as the world’s leading sea power.
Lectures of Opportunity: "On Nuclear Superiority and Coercive Leverage" Thursday, February 23, 2023 12:00 p.m. U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Rd, Newport, RI 02841 Does nuclear superiority improve national security? This question is currently debated between proponents of the Theory of the Nuclear Revolution and its critics, yet each perspective has its limits.