NWC faculty discuss East, South China Seas with Japan legal group

NEWPORT, R.I. – One current and one former member of U.S. Naval War College (NWC) faculty met with Japanese military legal advisors and professors from several Japanese civilian academic institutions in Tokyo, Japan to discuss international law focusing on the disputes in the East China Sea, South China Sea and other issues.

Current NWC military professor Capt. Kevin Brew, executive director of NWC’s Stockton Center for the Study of International law, and former Stockton Center professor and distinguished fellow Pete Pedrozo engaged in two days of discussions on the ongoing disputes in the region, especially with the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC).

Discussions also focused on freedom of navigation operations, changes in the Japanese law to allow wider authorization to use their forces in self-defense, and the recent arbitration decision in favor of the Republic of Philippines against the PRC regarding the South China Sea.

“The meetings were a unique opportunity for Naval War College to engage and discuss national security matters and international law with a great ally,” said Brew.

The importance of the meeting was underscored by the involvement of Japanese Vice Adm. Umio Otsuka, president of the Japanese Maritime Command and Staff College who opened the dialogue and participated in each session on both days, according to Brew.

Brew noted that another multinational aspect of the event was the presence of the noted Australian professor Rob McLaughlin who brought another national view to the discussions.

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Stockton Center for the Study of International Law
September 28, 2016

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