Naval War College students compete for strategy award

Rear Adm. Jeffrey A. Harley (right), president, U.S. Naval War College (NWC), presents the James V. Forrestal Award for Excellence in Force Planning to top graduates of the 2017 National Security Decision Making (NSDM) course.
NEWPORT, R.I. – Participants in the annual competition for the James V. Forrestal Award for Excellence in Strategy Development and Force Planning at U.S. Naval War College (NWC) presented creative, flexible and realistic approaches to dealing with a scenario presented by faculty, according to one of the judges of the Feb. 24 event. 

The National Security Affairs (NSA) department at NWC hosted this year’s National Security Decision Making (NSDM) final exercise. The NSDM exercise serves as the capstone for the senior-level core trimester of study in future-oriented national security affairs at the strategic level. 

For the exercise, the NSDM students are divided into 16 different groups called seminars. 

“The purpose of the final exercise is to provide our students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of NSDM course concepts that they have learned during the 11-week trimester,” said Jim Cook, associate professor of NSA and one of the course leaders. “Additionally, we want to expose the seminars to the challenge of making tough strategic choices in a resource-constrained environment and to effectively communicate their rationale to senior leadership.”

During the event, two finalist seminars, Seminar 15 and Seminar 12, competed for NWC’s James V. Forrestal Award for Excellence in Strategy Development and Force Planning. Each of the seminars gave a 45-minute executive-level presentation to a senior judging panel and then answered questions. 

The presentations included an assessment of trends in the global security environment looking out over the next 20 years, the key themes for a national security strategy, a nested national military strategy, and associated operational concepts or ways to address the challenges and opportunities of this future security environment. 

They also discussed a force plan for “Joint Force 2037” within rigid budget constraints, and an implementation case of some features of these strategies, operational concepts or force plan that demonstrates the leadership challenges in bringing an innovative idea to practical achievement. 

The winning team was Seminar 12. 

Members of the winning team included: Marine Corps Lt. Col. Aaron Angell, Army Lt. Col. Burke Bristow, Cmdr. Diane Cua, Air Force Col. James Hackbarth, Cmdr. Mitchel Kloewer, Marine Corps Col. Toby Moore, Army Lt. Col. Patrick Pflaum, Lt. Cmdr. Jared Simsic, Michael Stutzman, Coast Guard Capt. Mark Vislay, Korean navy Cmdr. Byungo Kang, Tunisia navy Cmdr. Ahmed Lajmi and Cmdr. Ronald Piret. 

The judging panel included: Capt. Paul A. Stader, director, Navy Policy Division; David S. C. Chu, president, Institute for Defense Analyses; and Ambassador Paula J. Dobriansky, foreign policy expert and former diplomat specializing in national security affairs. 

The NSDM trimester is part of NWC’s yearlong resident program and is designed to prepare senior level joint and international officers and civilians for executive positions in large national security organizations. Major attention is given to joint and allied perspectives at the theater level or above and studies stress the growing complexity of decision making at higher levels of responsibility and authority.

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Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jess Lewis
February 27, 2017

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