About Naval Strategist Symposium 2018
Please keep checking this event for future updates.
Naval Strategist Symposium (NSS) is an annual professional workshop to update and inform naval strategist subspecialists (x2300) on current strategic issues. The 2018 symposium will feature panels on current strategic documents, the revised Navy strategy, strategy implementation, and the way ahead for subspecialist career management.
Program of Events
0800-0805 | Welcome - Rear Adm. Jeffrey Harley, president, U.S. Naval War College
0805-0810 | Opening Remarks - Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, N3/N5
0815-0900 | Brief 1 - "National Security Strategy" by Nadia Schadlow, deputy national security advisor for strategy
0900-0930 | Break
0930-1015 | Brief 2 - "National Defense Strategy" by Elbridge Colby, deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and force development
1015-1115 | Brief 3 - "The Naval Component to the National Defense Strategy" by Capt. Matthew Phillips, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, N502
1115-1245 | Lunch Break
1250-1420 | Panel 1 - "Relevance of Sea Power to the Chinese Threat"
- Moderator: Christopher Twomey - Naval Postgraduate School
- Patrick Cronin - Center for a New American Security
- Michael Green - Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Toshi Yoshihara - Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
1420-1450 | Break
1450-1620 | Panel 2 - "Relevance of Sea Power to the Russian Threat"
- Moderator: Mike Petersen - U.S. Naval War College
- Magnus Nordenman - The Atlantic Council
- Michael Kofman - CNA
- Mr. Jim Townsend - Center for a New American Security
1625-1655 | Brief 4 - "Naval Strategy Subspecialty Cadre Brief" by Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, N1 and PERS-4
1655-1705 | Closing Remarks - Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, N3/N5
1800- 2000 | No Host Social (Officers Club)
Current Strategy Forum 2018
Due to limited space this year (auditorium renovations), NSS participants will not be able to attend CSF in person; however, CSF will be simulcast so that NSS participants may stay together and watch remotely.
More Info