U.S. Naval War College Faculty Cloister

U.S. Naval War College surrounded by cherry blossoms

About this Event

Event Information

Monday, August 05, 2024
U.S. Naval War College, 686 Cushing Road, Newport, RI 02841

Public Affairs Office

This event is for U.S. Naval War College students, faculty and staff.

This event constitutes an important component of the formal U.S. Naval War College (NWC) environment. The cloister recognizes significant achievements of the NWC faculty and includes a presentation of awards as well as new faculty introductions.

The effort of the faculty members is the principal means through which the U.S. Naval War College fulfills its missions, functions and tasks. The education of future leaders, developed by building a strategic and cultural perspective, is achieved by bringing world-class faculty and staff together with the best and brightest joint student body who have been educated both during their time at the college and afterward through a robust alumni program of lifelong learning.

NWC faculty members teach both core courses and electives. They also support other Navy and Department of Defense educational programs; research, analysis and gaming; curriculum development; professional development and contribution; and service to the department or NWC.

NWC operates today in keeping with the traditions and vision first established by our founding President, Rear Adm. Stephen B. Luce, who in 1884 founded the college to serve as “a place of original research on all questions relating to war and to statesmanship connected with war, or the prevention of war.”

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