About China Maritime Studies Institute Conferences
Typically lasting two to three days, our CMSI conferences occur on a periodic basis and bring together academic experts, policy makers, and practitioners for panel discussions and presentations that focus on selected aspects of Chinese maritime development and the international security environment.
These conferences serve to stimulate focused research and foster dialogue among Chinese and American specialists resulting in enhanced understanding and continued productive research and analysis on focus areas. Although short in duration, the annual CMSI conferences provide a lasting impact on research that informs leaders and policy makers. Conference research will be consolidated into a biannual volume.
Upcoming Event
Our conferences address topics ranging from China’s shipbuilding program and its evolving surface fleet to the nation’s Far East operations, their ongoing strategy in the region, and the maritime implications of a strong Chinese navy.
We welcome U.S. Government (USG) participation at this conference. To register, please fill in requested information at this link. Please ensure you specify your USG affiliation on your registration.
Non-USG personnel who wish to attend the conference should contact the CMSI Director at cmsi_director@usnwc.edu. Conference capacity and base security factors limit non-USG participation at this conference.